I've been mining QubitCoins, Quarkcoins, X11 and X13 for a week and started to look at the possibility to get a small mining device to make it independent from my GPU since I don't want it to burn after a year.
I saw all kind of miners but quickly found out that miners like Antminers are for SHA256 only so I couldn't use them for my purpose. Then I found about USB miner stating that can do altcoins like this one
http://www.amazon.com/DualMiner-USB-Gridseed-Litecoin-Dogecoin/dp/B00J5TK6RE#product-description-iframeI'm sure those are pretty shitty but I thought I'd ask about it: is there usb miners compatible with x11/x13,/etc? Is there bigger miners compatible with these too?
USB miners like Antminer U3 sure looks awesome and powerful, unfortunately if they're sha256 only they're useless to me...
I read that X11 was developed to prevent big ASICs from blowing it up so I'm kind of confused right now about what should work and what shouldn't.
Any comments?