Contact me if you are interested in selling such contracts.
You could list an offer on
You can even use a calculated field so that the strike price is relative to the last trade (e.g., so you always have the strike price in the money),
For the option to sell 10 BTC before September 28, 2012, at 5% above the current exchange rate (i.e., you are buying an in the money PUT option) (
;;sell 10 btc at "{mtgoxlast}*1.05" USD "PUT option premium $0.75 USD/BTC expires 28Sep12. escrow of USDs required."
So if the current price is $11, the strike price would be $11.55.
With these terms, you pay 10 X $0.75 USD ($7.50, or equivalent in BTCs) to the PUT seller, the PUT seller sends to escrow $11.55 X 10 ($115.50) plus whatever the escrow fee costs.
If you wish to execute at any time before Sep 28, 2012, you send to the escrow 10 BTC and and the escrow will send to you the $115.50. If the option expires, the escrow sends the $115.50 back to the PUT seller.
-[Edit: Corrected the escrow amount to reflect the actual strike price.]