[ANNOUNCE] CoinMARKET.cz – provide and order microjobs for crypto
We would like to announce recent launch of microjobs portal – coinMARKET.cz. Provide small jobs or order one for crypto currency.
Help us to build our own crypto ecosystem without dependency on FIAT. Because we hate FIAT and because FIAT is prohibited on coinMARKET!
Everyone has something to offer and everyone can be part of money revolution. Choose your path and become a microjob provider. Because we work for community we offer this website completely
FREE of charge if you choose so. No hidden fees for services and no percentage for your work. You can just make some crypto.
We will be happy if you use our portal!
http://coinmarket.cz/main currency: DASH
accepted currencies: Bitcoin, Peercoin, Dogecoin, Namecoin and Litecoin – more to come
CoinMARKET Review – Pros and Cons from a CoinMARKET Buyer & Seller
Clean and clear website design, easy to navigate, easy to use
Clear and easy to understand concept
Make crypto doing something you love
There is no user base yet (it could be advantage too)
CoinMARKET has a simple concept. People post small jobs, that they are willing to do for crypto. It sounds small, but what it really provides is a platform to grow from. Buyers like CoinMARKET because they can get small tasks done quickly, there isn’t a large risk and over time they can find dependable freelancers they can turn to for quality work. Sellers can grow their own business by offering basic gigs and offering upgrades and extras for additional crypto.