, but there is still the unbelievable perfect source code of version 0.01.
If the source code was perfect, we wouldn't be at version 0.10.1
Looking at the source code, to me, makes it pretty evident who wrote it. One of the main reasons that I am assuming Satoshi left is she was not liking the "godliness" that members of the community we starting to attribute to her.
I find extremely annoying the people who go out of their way to use "her" or "she" instead of "him" or "he". Seriously.
It's especially stupid when Satoshi is clearly a male name.
The only thing clear about Satoshi's name is that it's a pseudonym
Sorry to ruin the idea that your "god" Satoshi is clearly a man.
P.S. Not really, your annoyance shows you are another cog in the worldly wheel of problems.
As expected, pitiful ad hominem attacks based on logical fallacies, and this sense of self-righteousness, thinking you can judge everyone else, calling other people problems without looking at yourself. Thinking you are somehow a better human being by being "fair" and using "she"/"her", despite the fact that the name is a male one.
Quite typical.