It gets btc from a wallet. These things are very temperamental and require a high level of technical knowledge to operate when they act funny. The company that makes them, BTCPDX is ABSOLUTELY ZERO help on support. They're not even shipping last I heard on the skyhook reddit. The only support you will get is from other users on the reddit page. not trying to shit on your sale here... just letting people know these are not easy to deal with. They violate kyc/aml laws so they are basically useless. If you are not very technical person this may not be the right atm for you even if you don't care about kyc/aml. My experience with mine was basically a total waste of money except for the fact that I take it to meetups and it make for a nice addition.
This is incorrect. I've discussed the matter with FINCEN and as long as it's your coins and there's no third person involved, it does not violate the kyc/aml laws. Also, in Missouri, you don't even have to register with Department of Finance or Revenue (sales tax). I've got 2 right now and once up and running they work great.