Introduction Site Here: Miner Here Easy Decentralized Node Locator (Don't Let One Corporation Rule over Everything)
Push Back Made Easy: difficulty example is ADDRESS+xxx/yyy. The "+" sets pseudo-share difficulty (makes graphs smoother or spikier). The "/" sets share-chain share difficulty. Setting it below network share difficulty means it will use network difficulty. Setting it above network difficulty means it will use what you set.
If you're using any Bitmain product, avoid setting the difficulty as a power of 2 (i.e. don't use 256, 512, 1024, etc). For some reason, their code bugs out and refuses to show Best Share in the UI if you do.
Rule of thumb for difficulty set to your GHash Speed
Your Own Node Start Here: Directions on the bottom of the above link.
Some good front ends: by johndoe75. by hardcpp. by justino.
Download and put in p2pool_win32_13.4>web-static
Bitcoind Core and more info here: not working troubleshoot here:
Need More Help Setting Up: sure you set port forwarding with your modem/router.
Forward the following ports on your router to the machine running Bitcoin/p2pool:
8333 - BTC peer network (sharing blockchain)
9332 - so miners can connect to your p2pool node
9333 - p2pool peer network (sharing share-chain)
Tuning P2Pool Here
: for this goes in bicoin.conf file.
To find this on Windows PC to the right of Ctrl is Windows button but hold that and press R.
Then Type %APPDATA%\Bitcoin and hit enter.
If bitcoin.conf doesnt exist right click>New>wordpad>Save as "bitcoin.conf" set save as type>all files and delete .txt
More Code for windows make short cut to desktop of "run_p2pool.exe - Shortcut"
Right click then click Properties
In Target window You can add more code found under Option Reference Here: LOOK Below For Example
F:\Users\Desktop\p2p\p2pool_win32_13.4\run_p2pool.exe --irc-announce --iocp --address 1Mz7ZHxPhoH1ZK2yQvo62NdHvvsS2quhzc --fee 1 --give-author .5
If I was any help Donate Here:1DKwrG243zyY8xEmXJezg1UVkZgjf5ckcg
My public node with stat page here:
Worker: Your BTC Address
Password: Anything