too many people on this board try to take advantage and buy everything cheap. a sr member account can earny anywhere from .125 to .3+ a month from sig campaigns and avatars and such. plus it takes 36 weeks to become a sr member. not to mention the account when purchased still holds the value. another 6 months of posting on a sr member acct and its a hero member.
with all those things put into consideration i think a sr member accts value should be a minimum of .4 maybe closer to .5 with the current btc price.
im not sure how you guys think .120 and .125 are serious offers honestly.
Well, you seem to have shown interest in purchasing Sr. Member accounts recently.
Why don't you make him an offer that you think is fair?
Oh, I forgot, you are him, aren't you?
You got something better to offer, do it.
Otherwise, keep quiet