I have the following GPUs for sale:
1 XFX Radeon HD5830
2 Sapphire HD5830
2 ASUS HD6950 (
unlocked locked shaders, never tried to either)
They have all been mining for just over a year (bought them July 2011, stooped mining 1st week of August this year) and all of them are still working
I'm looking to sell them as a package, not one by one (shipping costs)
For the BTC equivalent of $ 550 they can be yours, S&H will be paid by me (unless I have to ship them to a country I have never heard of, then I have to look into the shipping rates first

I have NO OTC rating as this is my first deal ever, so I will do escrow
edit: how can my 6950s be unlocked when I have never tried unlocking them.... so They are still 6950s with LOCKED shaders