I'll submit my personal project here as a way to help kickstart this off:
https://github.com/jposse/PosseWallet/This is nowhere near being ready for this bounty, but the skeleton is there.
Its based on bitcoinj-0.5.2 and utilizes Jetty as an embedded Web / JSP / Servlet container.
Hopefully, I can entice some other people (Nyhm, etc) into helping.
As of now its only minimally functional, but does work.
Short list of how to get working:
(preface: you need java installed, obviously)
1. git clone
https://github.com/jposse/PosseWallet.git2. cd PosseWallet/
3. ant jar
4. cd dist/
5. java -jar PosseWallet.jar &
6. tail -f PosseWallet.log
At first it will need to download the headers, which normally takes about 15 mins or so.
After the chain is downloaded (or actually anytime, since Jetty starts right away), open a web-browser and check the following:
http://localhost:8333/getAddress - (will generate a new address, return in JSON format, and save in wallet).
http://localhost:8333/listAddresses - (will list all addresses in JSON format)
Its fairly easy and straight forward to extend this. To do so, do following:
1. Write a new servlet (look at existing getAddressServlet for idea).
2. Declare your new servlet in JettyWs like the others (ie. context.addServlet(new ServletHolder(new YourNewServlet()), "/yourNewCommand");.
I will continue working on this, so please check back at github occasionally to watch for changes. I'm not super worried about the Bounty for this (sure, feel free to contribute if you think its worth something). However, more than anything I would like to entice other devs to use and contribute. I think a lightweight custom wallet webservice is something lots of people need, so instead of us all duplicating so much effort, lets pitch in to build the things we need).
For my part, the bits I'm going to be adding is custom triggers. For instance, I want to be able to auto-update database tables based on transaction events that affect my wallet. So if coins come in for an address in my wallet, I want to be able to instantly update a JDBC (or NoSQL) row. This will get away from the need to constantly poll - which is how the traditional bitcoind solution must function.