Thank you all
I'm using CGminer with linux mint 13 now and everything works fine. After aticonfig every card was supported! (But the "Desktop" has some strange behaviour- but no matter - only for mining no problem (desktop shows everything 3 times where tasks are located)
Win 7 + Bitminter Software = lower hashrates, no chance to use max. clock rates - system crashes, high power consumption
Linux (mint) + CGminer = higher hashrates + max clock rates without system crash! + lower power cunsumption in total
Lets say it like this,
simple amd 2x setup - 3ghz, 2gb ram, 2x7950, 1x5770
Power consumption windows (lower rates, system stable) : 640w - power consumption high rates (unstable/crash) : >700w
Power consumption Linux - high rates system stable: 580-590w ;-)
Hashrate total ~ 1370 (optimized up to 1420)
(max. with windows stable: 1200 with higher wattage!)
but wait... what is ... the efficiency..... (never seen before with bitminter.. never used CGminer).... is 87% not good? ;-)
(what could be the problem? the mixed cards?)