HungerCoins Lottery: Turn 0.01 to 500
How does it work?
Just send 0.01 bitcoins to this address:
1KctshVz5GXke3PoXZr9dge1M8LhoNarP9. Think of your transaction hash as your ticket. When this transaction is included in a block, think of the block hash as the raffle outcome. There are 5 possible outcomes:
Case 1: If the last 5 digits of the block hash is equal to the last 5 digits of the transaction hash we will send you 500 bitcoins.
Case 2: If the last 4 digits of the block hash is equal to the last 4 digits of the transaction hash we will send you 50 bitcoins.
Case 3: If the last 3 digits of the block hash is equal to the last 3 digits of the transaction hash we will send you 5 bitcoins.
Case 4: If the last 2 digits of the block hash is equal to the last 2 digits of the transaction hash we will send you 0.5 bitcoins.
Case 5: If the last digit of the block hash is equal to the last digit of the transaction hash we will send you 0.05 bitcoins.
Invalid Transactions
If you send an amount not equal to 0.01, it will be treated it as a donation.
Only one transaction hash per ticket. (One send per transaction only)
When will the winnings be sent?
As soon as the transaction is recorded in a block, payments will be sent immediately. is the official datasource.
Where will the winnings be sent?
The first input address in the transaction information will be used as the return address.
******If you don't want to lose, you can bet here. of this as our IPO to later provide winnings up to 5,000 or 50,000 bitcoins.