Still looking? I can sell several LEGO collections sets for Bitcoin. New sets, not used.
I have also some hard to find items, like the Shuttle Expedition, Item: 10231, ready to ship.
If interested, let me know.
I am not really looking to pay extra for new sets. Thanks, though.
Ok. Point taken. However, i'm not really interested in doing something without a reward.
What took me to make this offer is that I've recently seen LEGO collections sets sold at 4 times
their price, only because they are very hard to find.
Thanks to a friend of mine, I have the possibility to get some (not all) very hard to find LEGO sets,
immediately available, which I can then sell with Bitcoin at maybe 40% (?) their official price,
which is better then 400% and at least I offer immediate availability.
Last time I asked LEGO where I could find a set (shuttle expidition in this case), they answered
that it was a very hard to find set and that they had no idea where I could get one: it could
have took months. My friend, instead, had 2 new sets available at his shop and I was surprise
how many other hard to find items he had.
I cannot make a list, not even with availability, since he sells those at his shop, but if this
might interest someone, let me know. Otherwise, it's ok anyway.