Wanted to introduce myself and make an attempt at a quick (and I mean quic) autobiography.
I've recently delved into this Bitcoin Phenomena and I'm overall impressed and ready to jump in.
Currently I have .13 cents USD worth of Bitcoins. (I rock!)
Here's the deal:
I specialized in something that is called "Fix Protocol" on Wall St for the past 12 years. Now, you very well may have heard of it, as it seems many bitcoin gurus are very Wall St oriented. Its basically a Multi P2P Communications Protocol that aids in Electronic Trading.
I won't get long winded into Fix Protocol, that's what Google is for.
Not attempting to brag, but when I say "Specialized In FIX," I actually am referring to the fact that I am one of the most acclaimed experts in FIX. CNN cited "ME" as the reason Bank Of America bought Merrill Lynch due to our milestone of being the FIRST United States Trading Firm to implement and succeed with FIX Protocol Connections to the Bovespa Stock Exchange in Brazil.
Basically, I "don't have to work anymore" and out of boredom and the desire to play with new hot technology, I became really attached to this Bitcoin deal.
Bottom line is this: I hope to learn a LOT from you all. Has anyone entertained the idea of using Bitcoins over a FIX Protocol Connection essentially linking all of our local Clients as well as the Major ETFs?
If this has been entertained, I'm MORE THAN HAPPY to help out in anyway I can with FIX Protocol 4.0 - 4.2. It would blow transactions out of the water ten fold as far as speed and volatility.
If not and the above just irritated you... at least welcome me aboard
-James Tylee