technology coin - ITcoin
Launch date: Saturday 23 May. 06.00 west coast US, 09.00 east coast US, 14.00 GMT (UK), 22.00 China, 00.00 east Australia.
We think this is the best possible launch time making it possible for everyone to participate.
This coin does not offer any new technology to the altcoin scene.
This coin is launched by two companies operating in PC hardware business. They are located in Europe (Germany and UK).
Both companies have been operating for several years with success and have a physical retail shop and an online shop,
other delivering world wide and other in Europe. They will accept ITcoin as payment on certain products. More details on this will be upcoming.
This coin has nothing to do with this site: I noticed it's existence while making this announcement. & POSAlgorithm: X11
Ticker: XIT
Total coin supply: 13 000 000
Block time: 60 seconds
Coinbase maturity: 120 blocks
Difficulty retargeting after every block 1-200 - reward 0 coins to guarantee a fair launch for all miners
Blocks 200-43400 - reward 100 coins - approximately 30 days of mining
Blocks 43400-86600 - reward 50 coins - approximately 30 days of mining
Total POW coins: 6 480 000
POW phase will end at block 86600 and POS will begin.
POSBlocks 86600-129800 - reward 100 coins - approximately 30 days
Blocks 129800-655400 - reward 0.1 coins - approximately 1 year
Total POW and POS coins combined: 10 852 560
Premine: 2 147 440 = ~16,5 % of the coinbase.
0,5% of the coinbase will used for promotions and rewards.
1% of the coinbase will be distributed for free to the community. 0.2% of the coins will be given out every
month through our website. You will need to register to our forums to participate. Everyone will be identified
with the registration, e-mail address, ip-address and finally in our chat in the wallet. This way we will ensure a fair distribution.
The registration for the giveaway will start on the first day of the month (june) and coins will be distributed on the last day of the month.
This process will be repeated during the next 5 months.
15% of the coinbase will be sold publicly to investors starting now and ending next thursday 18.00 GMT. of the coinbase will be distributed among the people participating in the ICO.
To participate:
1. Send the amount of bitcoin you want to invest (0.01 minimum) to
1DeZGu1MMM8fQqy7jf6bJ12dJ5bLgxo4qH2. Send a private message in this forum to user ITcoinTeam and include the following info: amount btc sent, Transaction ID and tell us if you
want to remain anonymous.
ICO participants and amounts: protected windows and mac wallets will be released here 15 minutes before the launch.
Wallet will include: integrated chat, integrated auction for users to sell and buy PC hardware and several simple games where
users can play against each other with their coins.
Mac wallet with these features is being developed.! Config will be released here and in our website.!! There will possibly be 1 pool run by us. submit your suggestions for logo in this thread. The winning choice will receive 5 000 coins!
More competitions upcoming!! There will be at least 2 faucets run by us. ITcoin wallet will include several small games where you can play against other users for coins. post will next time be updated on Thursday when the coins website and our social media accounts will launch and our
webshops have been updated to feature ITcoin.
On Friday our main developer will be here with me going through this thread and answering any technical questions about ITcoin.
On Saturday the mining will start and the ICO coins will be distributed.
On July first both companies will start accepting ITcoin as payment in their shop, regardless of the state of
mining, exchanges or any other things.
I will try to update this post with the progress on the ICO as often as I can.
Thank you
-The ITcoin team-