Gleb Gamow (OP)
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
May 20, 2015, 10:14:13 PM Last edit: May 21, 2015, 11:18:35 PM by Gleb Gamow |
Last night while on the porcelain throne I had a eureka moment when takin' a long hard shit. My impromptu quest is to handshake an able partner that's verse in crowdfunding campaigns. <For those who [don't] know me, my personality dictates not to apologize for the opening of this OP.> The paramount goal is to get my ingenious idea funded, manufactured and ship before Christmas 2015, of which is 100% doable. Most time may be wasted (for lack of a better [shit] word) during prototype development, followed closely behind the campaign copy process, but could easily (hopefully) be streamlined dependent upon what systems are put in place for facilitation. I can easily construct a abstract mock-up for visualization purposes, bearing in mind its the engineering aspect which'll make it viable, that, perhaps, being one of the formidable upfront costs, with the finalized marketable product probably made of some plastic form factor sourced oversees if too exorbitant to produce domestically, the ideal option. Also, it may be prudent to have a "patent pending" prior to the release of the crowdfunding campaign. What the product consist of:- It's not cryptocurrency related , though an argument could be had for/of its incorporation (I've a couple ideas, but they could wait till later, thus no need for inclusion during the initial campaign that may, unfortunately, hamper our success).
- It's a physical game, moreover, a [solid] connectable 3D puzzle, with its fundamental design based on mathematics. Anybody here versed in that archaic science?
- Intended for one person to correctly assemble its unique solution, but a cooperative could work on it synchronically or disjointly if time is a consideration.
- Age Level: ~3-year-old (child-safe/childproof) to on-your-deathbed in the golden years (seriously, albeit morbid, unless you're into cryonics ).
- The puzzle can be completed intuitively sans reading any instructions, yet provided, purposely omitting how to accomplish its singular solution (YouTubers, et al., will eventually fill that role in varying success), with only the depiction of the desired result on both the packaging and accompanied literature (as well as online) made available.
- # Pieces: The exact number of pieces is between one and four dozen, inclusive (redacted due to you brainiacs figuring out beforehand what I have in mind if the exact number was declared, and in the same vein I'm not disclosing what it's akin to , with no [known] concerns of copyright, et al., infringements). The exact few parts that the puzzle consist of would surprise you, a chief selling point, with plenty of built-in profit once the nominal development costs are outlaid.
- On the surface, the puzzle seems easy to solve until, that is, the actual erecting process starts, then... In fact, as one nears completion, they may realized that they inadvertently set one piece incorrectly, then they'd have to relatively easily deconstruct what they've built and start anew at an earlier assumed correct erection point. (speaking of, you hard yet? )
- Offered at the same price point, an abecedarian rendition that looks virtually the same as its counterpart could be marketed alongside the much more challenging archetype(s). Note: The distinguished packaging would clearly state one of the two levels of difficulty: A caveman can do it; Help me, Q! (it'll be great if there's a John de Lancie endorsement-cum-advert if we can pull him away from the bronies )
- There will be three distinct archetypes of the extremely difficult puzzle, each approximately equal in complexity (unless a clever engineer convinces us otherwise). Note: The identical packages WILL NOT state which archetype of the complex level is being purchased, thus [likely] securing multiple sales if the goal of patrons is to obtain all three puzzle variants, with trade commencing on eBay, et al., as an alternative option for procurement by diehard fans, leaving the guessing game to others. Packages of any [unknown] two AND of all three variants having corresponding puzzle pieces intermingled will also be readily available at a premium, satisfying the competition venues, mainly available at specialty B&Ms and online if predicated on demand and/or shelf space availability. Are BTC signs dancing in your head yet?
- Walmarts and Toys "R" Us are prime candidates to stock the puzzle(s) in the US, with other chains worldwide following suit, not to mention ordering from the usual suspects online.
- The individual pieces could easily be build via a 3D printer at home from purchased downloads (we get a cut, of course ).
- Available in myriad color schemes is an option. No, I didn't forget about having this puzzle available in novel sizes.
- Championship contests could easily be set up, with the winner being the fastest to assemble the puzzle. Eventually, world-class contestants may be able to solve it in under a minute. More thoughts on the competition aspect to follow.
- I don't yet have a definitive name for the puzzle at this penning, but I'm toying with one borrowed from the cryptocurrency lexicon.
- It's an excellent learning tool for ALL levels of academia, especially home-schooling.
- The initial funding goal needed is unknown , but enough should be asked to make sure our personal expenses are met. I envision easily surprising whatever's requested, especially if the copy and accompanied video are well-aligned.
- $afely assume that aftermarket products will be specifically developed for usage with this puzzle is a given.
I will only share what's in mind with a person I deem trustworthy. Ideally, once a partnership is reached, I have no problem with temporarily relocating near your local (if I can't reside in your basement due to the rats objecting ) so that we could work closely in hand as the project nears fruition if working apart is problematic. Partnership arrangement: 50/50, with myself getting 50% since I'm the founder and all.