4 steps
Step 1:go to this panel place http://girlbtc.com/trade/onevsone/Step 2:go to the third part site or using your app to hash your original info and open we recomment two third part hash site
http://www.freeformatter.com/sha256-generator.htmlchoose the first one for example, change your username(not necessary), amount(must),animal(must), and then paste and generate SHA256
you can see clearly on the above example,
admin open 0.005btc with elephant, 423231 is hashed and get
3b938903906d6e54b864a120a6a160afeceb0834f1af6c9aa0eab78d06cb84fathe sentence "
admin open 0.005btc with elephant, 423231 " is the original info of your onevsone, it is very important, copy and paste it somewhere where only you knows.
and paste the
3b938903906d6e54b864a120a6a160afeceb0834f1af6c9aa0eab78d06cb84fa to the self hash panel
ok now you press the open button
Step 3:I challenge myself in this example I choose tiger and challenged my self . of course in real game this should be challenged by others.
Step 4:upload the original info admin open 0.005btc with elephant, 423231 is upload
and we get the result admin vs admin , elephant vs tiger and the winner is admin