Many thanks of all for all your guidance. I used cgminer and cpuminer to mine at I read at .00018 bt/mhs/day. I saw grid seed with 9ghs/400mhs. I calculated that earnings will be around 0.1 btc per day. But its only 0.00003000 btc only.
Your calculation is VERY far off. CPU miner is worthless on BTC mining not even worth running.
I would guess you typed it i wrong with greedseed in GHs on a mining calculator. Make sure if its in GHS you only enter 9. Not 900/400 or anything like that.
of course , you are quite right, I misunderstood that rate of earnings. It was for scrypt mining. when I use cgminer or cpuminer, cleverminig shows 300khs of speed.