i got no problems with it
i got a business account and i sell vps servers ( virtual .. ) and dedicated servers and webhosting
so i am already in the virtual world (makes it easyer to protect from chargebacks as everything is already virtual)
in case paypal locks my account , i still got a backup paypal with a limited amount of funds on that i can use to send from , so i can always provide the payment to the end user (maybe with a bit delay )
in the past 3 years that i use paypal dit only 2 persones suceeded to claim back there money , and 1 of them was because of visa fraude (the thing that can not be checked/protected from ) , then to say to that i handle big amounts of money montly , so the risk that i get blocked is kinda small
Bitcoin itself has nothing to do with it , i just sell a virtual product and if it is bitcoin or a vps server .. it is still a virtual product
and thats where the most users makes a mistake , they say that bitcoin is money when it is basicly just a virtual product (makes a big difference to paypal )
so if you was worried about that part , i can say for this moment that it is safe so far
ps: still waiting on the original site of this topic to get online , i love to see his system he use
else i can offer him hosting if his provider is providing problems o.O
Greets From PowerChaos