Over the next few days this op will be changing a lot. Currently working on a roadmap, all fade features explained, how to docs, new and upcoming ideas, markets and more.
Stay with us, over the next few weeks, as FADE comes out of the dark.
The Era of Fade has Begun!
NO Premine / NO ICO / NO Bull
1-200 - 100 Coins per block
201-500 - 110 Coins per block
501-1000 - 75 Coins per block
1001-4000 - 60 Coins per block
4001-8000 - 50 Coins per block
8001-9000 - 25 Coins per block
9001-10000 - 60 Coins per block
1-10000 - 40 Coins per block
10001-15000 - 20 Coins per block
15001-20000 - 18 Coins per block
After Block 20000 - 6 coins per block
Total Coins ~803k @ block 20,000
MasterNodes/hiPOS 50% Split
listen=1 daemon=1 server=1 staking=1 port=12215 rpcuser=FADECOINUSERNAME rpcpassword=FADECOINPASSWORD addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode=
Simple guide on how to create a masternode:Start your FADE wallet
Send exactly 3788 FADE to an address in your wallet and wait for 10 conformations.
Next go to Help/Debug/Console.
Type the following and hit Enter:
Copy the result and place that in the Fade.conf file below:
listen=1 daemon=1 server=1 staking=0 port=12215 rpcallowip= rpcport=12216 rpcuser=FADECOINUSERNAME rpcpassword=FADECOINPASSWORD masternode=1 masternodeaddr=external_IP_address:12215 masternodeprivkey=masternode genkey results here addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode=
FYI: Port 12215 must be open and ported to your local ip.
The port must be open on your router and firewall.
Restart your wallet and go back to Help/Debug/Console
Type the following and hit enter:
Give your MasterNode a few minutes to start, and then check if it's up in the MasterNode list as shown below.
Block Explorer:
Info coming soon.
Info coming soon.
Info coming soon.
Info coming soon.
Initial algorithm of Shade’s Protocol, Mining SHA sourced with pencil and paper, performing the algorithm manually is a good way to understand exactly how it works!
“Such a transaction is externally indistinguishable from a transaction created through conventional use. Because of this, if these transactions become widespread they improve the privacy even of people who do not use them, because no longer will input co-joining be strong evidence of common control.” -gmaxwell