We are running a no frills, no fake "I have an investment firm and would like you to invest in XYZ" pretty website, good ol' no fluff ponzi game. It doesn't have little moving mining vehicles or virtual pot stores that never pay out. It works like this.
Go to this website:
http://fillyourmoney.hol.es/ Send your selected amount of BTC to the wallet address at the site and...
Receive your returns in the estimated time frame related to your deposit.
Bammm, that's it. Yep...let that awkward silent moment go by...looking away...okay, maybe they're gone. Nope, still there.
Anyways, our goal is to pull off something novel. We are going to attempt to actually run an honest game (well, as honest as you can be running a ponzi gambling game) and try to pay out what is promised without going broke ourselves. There, that's it. No guarantees other than our word. You won't get rich from the returns, but, we will try our darndest (is that a word?) to give you a return where others just take it all and run.
The first 20 deposits of 0.01 BTC or more will get an extra 0.01 BTC just for the hell of it. (Minus what it costs to ship these things out.)
Remember, this is a simple ponzi gambling game. Although we will be attempting to make it as honest and fair as possible. Please only "bet" what you would be willing to lose. Oh, and if you have a gambling problem, please call 1-800-522-4700.
Why u not make that first 20 deposit minimum deposit lower to 0.001??