I've just created this website
http://btcetc.tumblr.com on tumblr covering interesting and helpful info about the Bitcoin, but I need help creating content.
If you'd like to contribute please submit an article or tip to
http://btcetc.tumblr.com/submit and include an address for donations which I'll use to credit the author. I want it to be a community driven effort and a one stop shop for folks to keep track of the bitcoin and relevant info on tumblr.
If you need some extra bitcoins there are opportunities to place your bitcoin address in place of mine for donations.
http://btcetc.tumblr.com/adIf you're an advertiser there are opportunities to advertise your product or service in the sidebar.
http://btcetc.tumblr.com/adAlso, if you're on tumblr please give it a follow.