June 05, 2015, 07:05:23 PM |
this is what cgminer says[2015-06-05 21:03:30] Summary of runtime statistics:
[2015-06-05 21:03:30] Started at [2015-06-05 20:56:57] [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Pool: stratum+tcp://inetrader.com:5150
[2015-06-05 21:03:30] Runtime: 0 hrs : 6 mins : 33 secs [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Average hashrate: 11.1 Kilohash/s [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Solved blocks: 0 [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Best share difficulty: 27 [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Share submissions: 0 [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Accepted shares: 0 [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Rejected shares: 0 [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Accepted difficulty shares: 0 [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Rejected difficulty shares: 0 [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Hardware errors: 0 [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min
[2015-06-05 21:03:30] Work Utility (diff1 shares solved / min): 9.93/min
[2015-06-05 21:03:30] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
[2015-06-05 21:03:30] Unable to get work from server occasions: 1
[2015-06-05 21:03:30] Work items generated locally: 245 [2015-06-05 21:03:30] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
[2015-06-05 21:03:30] New blocks detected on network: 16
[2015-06-05 21:03:30] Summary of per device statistics:
[2015-06-05 21:03:30] GPU0 | (5s):17.84K (avg):11.06Kh/s | A:0 R :0 HW:0 WU:9.9/m [2015-06-05 21:03:30]
I am sharing some altcoins. Why am I doing wrong?