Looking for image poster and member adder for our Skype group
We currently have 128 members, lots of developers and cryptopreneurs, also creative people
-The image poster should post one interesting bitcoin related image in the group every second day
-The image poster should also try to add one selected member to the group every week
-The image poster talks to admin (me) on Skype once a week for a minimum of five minutes for updates and communications
-Unpaid, if any monetizing opportunity shows up we can discuss it later
-The image poster receives 200 Highscore Points per week in return. The highscore points currently do not have an exchange rate but perhaps we can try to fix that later (
If you're interested, post here or send a PM. I will host a five minute interview on Skype for anyone interested.
Apply by first adding me on skype, user name: bitscript1 and then by following this direct Skype link -->
http://www.bitcoinmeetups.org/skype-direct.htmlhttp://www.bitcoinmeetups.orgSkype User ID: bitscript1