Are you locked out of ZENCLOUD or Zenminer and cant access your coins ? 2fa and google auth shit itself on you ?
Cant get through to people who are supposed to be looking after this ?
Posting in an inappropriate thread asking for support ?
Well, never fear
Here is your thread to ask for support regarding this shit system instead of spamming the great thread by suchmoon exposing said nefarious activities.
Your first point of contact is: miaviator;u=57116People should email
The phone that i had Google Auth on has died a sad and painful death. I have setup CG Auth on my replacement phone, if i could please have the 2fa disabled for my account "enLighteN85" or direct to whom i need to contact. Thanks
That has nothing to do with account unlocking and therefore there is nothing I can do for you.
Wait, so why has this become a support thread for getting your Zencloud accounts unlocked?
Wouldn't it be worse to direct them to this thread, bewbs and all?
Because everywhere i tried to get help/support paycoin related directed me to this thread and stated that they were not allowed to help on said site.
I have spamed the wrong code into the 2fa request, and got the account locked, are you able to assist now?
I have nothing to do with PayCoin, never owned ZenCloud, Hashlets, XPY nor have I been a part of Hashtalk or and other PayCoin forum so your barking up the wrong tree.
Make a thread or something, this is getting quite repetitive.
People should email