So Online is a SHA256 coin and based upon Bitcoin
Reward: 50 ONE
Halving Time: 210000 blocks
Target spacing: 10 minutes
Target timespan: 2 weeks
Total Number of Coins: 21000000
Coin Maturity: 101 blocks
Confirmations: 6
p2p port: 8444
RPC port: 8443
Premine: 0%
Wallets are available in Windows 32bit / 64bit and Linux and is based upon the Bitcoin Core wallet. Everything + Source is available on Dropbox & Box (if you want me to upload it anywhere else let me know and will do)
Dropbox login required no-login needed few blocks were mined to keep the block active/make sure everything was synced (all after release), so they will be used as bounties (the ones that were mined by the wallet dev will be kept by him, I have about 400 ONE so when they mature they will be offered as bounties)
The node is a dns one, so as previously tested it takes about 30 seconds for it to connect, for the moment I could only afford one node, but more will be added in the following weeks
As for mining, difficulty is pretty low that you could mine within the wallet:
Open up wallet > help > debug window > console > ((type)) setgenerate true -1
Poolhttp://one.cryptominingpools.comUmm that's pretty much it, any help with pools, getting on exchanges or getting added on a crypto-currency market capitalizations website like would be awesome
Happy Mining