Those examples are Cyan & Red layer moving. This is flat 3D, the price is not very appealing for this.
It is NOT flat 3D the way that I do it. I JUST explained that I simulate stereoscopic 3D with depth-maps (aka bump-mapping). OBVIOUSLY it's not true stereoscopic 3D because it CAN'T be true coming from a single source image, but it is damn close enough to not be able to tell the difference and it is the ONLY option for people who wish to have a single source image converted.
And, how is roughly $2 USD not an appealing price for having a 2D image converted to 3D...?
If you don't believe I'm capable of doing a professional job, challenge me. Send me a picture you'd like to have converted and I will show you what I am capable of.
My service offers nothing to lose because you don't pay until you're satisfied, so there's no risk and I believe my prices to be MORE than fair.
I think the real issue here and the reason why you are talking shit is because I called you out in your "I'll teach you how to be a hacker for 0.70 BTC" thread... Which apparently should be titled "I'll teach you how to DDoS for 0.70 BTC", which incidentally is over-charging being that anyone who cared to could learn to DDoS in less than 5 minutes with a simple Google search...
As an original member (15+ years) of the Legion of Ethical Hackers I know a fake hacker when I see one...