If your in Wyoming stay away from Coinbase, if you use coinbase stay away from wyoming, simple tasking, i guess democracy is fair at some point with states creating their own laws at some point they will learn the hard way or get hit hard by their voters with criticism for having laws affecting their economy growth.
I really, really, really wish this was true....but it simply is not.
Voters in the United States are mostly lazy and ill informed. Wyoming will never be accused of being the hotbed of emerging tech in any sector, and frankly im surprised anyone in politics knows how to spell bitcoin.
The good news for the younger generations is that time doesnt stop. Eventually the older, close minded, often racist, sexist and homophobic, males in charge of politics in this country will die.
Hopefully with their passing, they will take all their old school, irrational, religious based style of governing with them to the grave.
Out dated nonsense has held our society back for too long.
Wake up Wyoming.....