1) Follow
https://twitter.com/ihbio2) Download the
https://www.periscope.tv/ app for either Android or iPhone.
3) Follow us on Periscope
4) Watch the stream when we go live and the first person to answer our question will receive $1 USD via ChangeTip
Our first game will cover these five topics
When we have enough people who have followed us, we will go live with our show. Not exactly sure when it will be, but I think as soon as we get 20 people we will go live!
Notes:We have been fooling around with Periscope for a little bit now. We find the format really fun and engaging. We usually do a bitcoin newbie question and answer segment, but we thought we would give this a shot. Please bear with us as we get better at doing the show. If you have any questions or comments please send them to us via twitter.
Good Luck!