There is this: that somehow suggests that "electrum" and "stratum" are actually the same thing or "stratum" is the new name for "electrum"
Then there quite a lot of postings or answers along the lines of this (for example): come up when googling for "electrum protocol" or "electrum stratum" that claim that electrum is actually using the stratum protocol or that there is no need to reverse engineer the electrum protocol because there is the stratum protocol documentation.
There is this: very informative and mentioning exactly one running stratum server (and nothing about electrum) (Ports 3333 TCP, 8000 HTTP, 8001 HTTPS, 8002 Websocket, 8003 Websocket SSL, California US, hosted by
and there is this: nothing about the used protocol, the servers and especially no reference to stratum at all. The client when started present a short list of servers:
and when trying to use the in electrum I get only error messages like [-3, u"Method 'subscribe' not found for service 'server.peers'", None] and a few more which suggest that the electrum and the stratum protocols are not the same thing.
Now here come the questions:
* how are stratum and electrum related?
* if not related then does there exist an electrum-like client for stratum?
* how many electrum servers are there?
* how many stratum servers are there?
* which *existing* protocol should be chosen when implementing an electrum-like client?
* if the answer to the last question is electrum then where is the protocol documentation (if such a thing exists at all)?
Maybe it would also be nice if both (the stratum and the electrum) websites clearly state that they are *not* related (or if they are related somehow then maybe explain in which way they are related or if there exist other "stratums" or "electrums" with the same names that are not related, etc).