news aus dem englischen Forum:
The domain and the code has been sold to Viktor (Skype: viktor.nachajew ).
The transfer of the domain is still in progress, until this is finished, the page will stay in mainteance.
Account-data for the forum has been sold too (this is my personal last post).
The old team of mybitcointrade wasn't able to keep the project running under this circumstances (loosing users, bad reputation, etc.).
We're not very happy to do this step, but that many withdrawals in the last time and the replies in the forum didn't give us the power and the engagement to work on.
warum erfahren wir im Deutschen Forum nix davon? Und warum wird VOR dem Verkauf nichts erzählt? Hatt alles irgendwie ein Geschmäckle...
ach und wo ist denn der deutsche Thread hin? Hab den nicht mehr gefunden...