Activity: 2548
Merit: 1054
CPU Web Mining 🕸️ on webmining.io
July 31, 2015, 10:25:51 AM |
Smart changes, but that's not how I moved it forward. That is most likely how someone else would, though. Btw, I used your client to do it, not TEETH
Be my guest and take us to new heights then. PS: I see what you are trying to to. I won't ask for your help. It wasn't me who started this shitty fight and it won't be me who will end it. I'm not trying to do anything. All you've done is given me a playground to test on 
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
July 31, 2015, 01:58:56 PM Last edit: July 31, 2015, 02:36:37 PM by vegasguy |
Smart changes, but that's not how I moved it forward. That is most likely how someone else would, though. Btw, I used your client to do it, not TEETH
Be my guest and take us to new heights then. PS: I see what you are trying to to. I won't ask for your help. It wasn't me who started this shitty fight and it won't be me who will end it. Ill end it. Spots, ill be here, so you can go now. @Ricky Spots only attacks those he thinks he can bully. He only tried me a few times and found out really fast that was a bad idea, and now he avoids me as much as he can. So if he wants to try to use this thread as a "playground" bring it on. Spots remember this: You wont be able to delete my posts here, so welcome. I told him months later after whipping his ass in his own thread over and over that I have an IQ of 161. One of 53 people on the planet. Ooops, must have forgot to tell him sooner  Now let me be clear, Spots is a pretty smart guy. Difference is he uses his intelligence for the wrong reason. I hope one day, he sees that it can be used for a higher purpose. I use my gift to help people, and the rewards are much higher than any monetary value. Im in crypto, not because I need the money, but because I believe it will one day give people the ability to have money, that would have never had the chance. Asics will get cheaper and more affordable, and more efficient. I also enjoy taking down scam coins. The bigger the better. My latest one is completely obliterating Diggits with a few posts. It had a coin market cap of $272 Million, second only to btc. I could not allow such a massive fraud in crypto, so I took it down. It was worth $2.70 a coin when I saw it, and after my posts it sits at about 600,000 sat. Im not bragging, Im simply explaining my cause. Spots do NOT show up here again, because if you do, Ill wreck you here, then Ill go to your thread. Vegas
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1945937.msg20241953#msg20241953
Ricky Petrovich (OP)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
July 31, 2015, 05:27:29 PM |
Static build works no problems.
Thanks, I'll remove the other link then. 
July 31, 2015, 06:52:44 PM |
Thanks Vegas your a good man
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1054
CPU Web Mining 🕸️ on webmining.io
August 01, 2015, 02:04:30 AM |
Lol at vegas thinking he means anything to me. How did trying to intimidate me work out last time?  You're lucky the GorillaCouncil voted for me to leave the trash chains die or I would be wrecking this shit
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
August 01, 2015, 04:18:35 AM Last edit: August 01, 2015, 04:29:42 AM by vegasguy |
Lol at vegas thinking he means anything to me. How did trying to intimidate me work out last time?  You're lucky the GorillaCouncil voted for me to leave the trash chains die or I would be wrecking this shit After looking at everything, I warned you over and over NOT to do the swap, that this would end disastrous for everyone. Your gorillabucks is now worth less than a penny a coin, and that is every coin you had combined. You were sure you knew better than I. So at that point I knew this would end in a train wreck, there was nothing for me to do except sit back and watch you self destruct, and that is exactly what happened. I even offered my services for free. To advise you on your coins, but again, your ego kicked in and you thought you knew better. Ive got some advice. Next time a guy who makes hundreds of dollars an hour offers his financial advice for free, TAKE IT!!! I judge you on results, nothing else. Your results are you live in a shithole, your a horrible person thats been disowned by the community, and your broke as fuck, and mad as hell becuase I was 100% percent correct. So , yes, its no surprise you hate me. I am your opposite. I help people, I have integrity, and honesty. The only person I bully is YOU, thats it. I wont pick on people that are new to the community and treat them like shit, like you, just because they dont know something. I cannot be bought or sold at any price, and I am much more intelligent than you will EVER be. FACT: EVERY COIN YOU HAVE EVER CREATED HAS FAILED AND IS WORTHLESS. THAT YOU CANNOT ARGUE. After years of creating shit coins, you have nothing to show for it except an angry community. Is it true you still live with your parents? LMFAO. Thats great. When your worth millions , like me, THEN you can have that ego, but that day will never come. Honesty and integrity is were wealth lies. So keep coming here, and I will continue telling truths. I have all the time and money , and you have neither. Also, YOU DONT GET TO DELETE MY POSTS, THEY STAY HERE FOR EVERYONE TO READ.
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1945937.msg20241953#msg20241953
August 01, 2015, 04:31:36 AM |
Lol at vegas thinking he means anything to me. How did trying to intimidate me work out last time?  You're lucky the GorillaCouncil voted for me to leave the trash chains die or I would be wrecking this shit After looking at everything, I warned you over and over NOT to do the swap, that this would end disastrous for everyone. Your gorillabucks is now worth less than a penny a coin, and that is every coin you had combined. You were sure you knew better than I. So at that point I knew this would end in a train wreck, there was nothing for me to do except sit back and watch you self destruct, and that is exactly what happened. I even offered my services for free. To advise you on your coins, but again, your ego kicked in and you thought you knew better. Ive got some advice. Next time a guy who makes hundreds of dollars an hour offers his financial advice for free, TAKE IT!!! I judge you on results, nothing else. Your results are you live in a shithole, your a horrible person thats been disowned by the community, and your broke as fuck, and mad as hell becuase I was 100% percent correct. So , yes, its no surprise you hate me. I am your opposite. I help people, I have integrity, and honesty. The only person I bully is YOU, thats it. I wont pick on people that are new to the community and treat them like shit, like you, just because they dont know something. I cannot be bought or sold at any price, and I am much more intelligent than you will EVER be. FACT: EVERY COIN YOU HAVE EVER CREATED HAS FAILED AND IS WORTHLESS. THAT YOU CANNOT ARGUE. After years of creating shit coins, you have nothing to show for it except an angry community. Is it true you still live with your parents? LMFAO. Thats great. When your worth millions , like me, THEN you can have that ego, but that day will never come. Honesty and integrity is were wealth lies. So keep coming here, and I will continue telling truths. I have all the time and money , and you have neither. Also, YOU DONT GET TO DELETE MY POSTS, THEY STAY HERE FOR EVERYONE TO READ.The man speaks the truth.
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
August 01, 2015, 04:39:52 AM |
@Spots, keep coming back here and I will crash bucks to 1 sat, and THAT wont take much effort, its very weak. Todays vol on Trex was .07 BTC ...LOL whats that like $19!??! Ive made more than that in the time Ive wrote this message.
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1945937.msg20241953#msg20241953
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1054
CPU Web Mining 🕸️ on webmining.io
August 01, 2015, 08:27:53 AM |
You can crash it as low as you want, I'm not trying to sell them so the price doesn't matter to me. Judging by the less than 5 BTC worth of sell orders on Bittrex and c-cex combined, all the other holders are long term who don't give a shit about your petty games either. You will literally be trading to yourself to feel relevant
You should get this garbage added to an exchange (doubt that will even happen), so I can dump on the blockchain you are reviving from our trash bin, like you have done to all my coins. Will feel nice to make some Magic Money quick off of stupid people for a change instead of being blamed for dumps by the people doing the dumping
Honestly, I don't even read your ramblings anymore, so I'm just responding to your second post. Trying to comb through your incohesion gives me migraines
Btw, I've already shown once this blockchain isn't secure, so any exchange that adds it after that is taking a big risk. Not to mention, all the reputable sites have already confirmed this won't be added. You're pissing into the wind
Activity: 1007
Merit: 1000
August 01, 2015, 11:36:27 AM |
This has really got me confused..
From IGS's post we know.
a) His code is perfect, it has never had a bug. b) He can dump on the block chain at will.
The only thing I can conclude is he has a back door coded into the coin to be able to manipulate it at will.
Sounds shady as hell to me.
August 01, 2015, 03:42:51 PM Last edit: August 01, 2015, 04:10:16 PM by notabeliever |
Spots Quote You can crash it as low as you want, I'm not trying to sell them so the price doesn't matter to me. Judging by the less than 5 BTC worth of sell orders on Bittrex and c-cex combined, all the other holders are long term who don't give a shit about your petty games either. You will literally be trading to yourself to feel relevant
You should get this garbage added to an exchange (doubt that will even happen), so I can dump on the blockchain you are reviving from our trash bin, like you have done to all my coins. Will feel nice to make some Magic Money quick off of stupid people for a change instead of being blamed for dumps by the people doing the dumping
Honestly, I don't even read your ramblings anymore, so I'm just responding to your second post. Trying to comb through your incohesion gives me migraines
Btw, I've already shown once this blockchain isn't secure, so any exchange that adds it after that is taking a big risk. Not to mention, all the reputable sites have already confirmed this won't be added. You're pissing into the wind
The dumb people are the ones that think you have good intentions not malicious
Yet people see what he does with malicious intent similar to the other coins.
Yobits coin Nannas Ecash
Spot you abandon the 4 coins as you said to create a new one. Abandoned open source. You also said anyone can keep the coins in their wallets and not swap yet they will be useless.
People wake up and see his true colors
Does everyone realize my only beef with spots was paying for staking contracts in april and may then not beable to reuse those contracts for any new coin created. To me this means he took money for staking contracts and hasn't honored them. Yes he said he was going to honor them and they were lifetime however still waiting,
are you
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1054
CPU Web Mining 🕸️ on webmining.io
August 01, 2015, 07:30:53 PM |
Spots Quote You can crash it as low as you want, I'm not trying to sell them so the price doesn't matter to me. Judging by the less than 5 BTC worth of sell orders on Bittrex and c-cex combined, all the other holders are long term who don't give a shit about your petty games either. You will literally be trading to yourself to feel relevant
You should get this garbage added to an exchange (doubt that will even happen), so I can dump on the blockchain you are reviving from our trash bin, like you have done to all my coins. Will feel nice to make some Magic Money quick off of stupid people for a change instead of being blamed for dumps by the people doing the dumping
Honestly, I don't even read your ramblings anymore, so I'm just responding to your second post. Trying to comb through your incohesion gives me migraines
Btw, I've already shown once this blockchain isn't secure, so any exchange that adds it after that is taking a big risk. Not to mention, all the reputable sites have already confirmed this won't be added. You're pissing into the wind
The dumb people are the ones that think you have good intentions not malicious
Yet people see what he does with malicious intent similar to the other coins.
Yobits coin Nannas Ecash
Spot you abandon the 4 coins as you said to create a new one. Abandoned open source. You also said anyone can keep the coins in their wallets and not swap yet they will be useless.
People wake up and see his true colors
Does everyone realize my only beef with spots was paying for staking contracts in april and may then not beable to reuse those contracts for any new coin created. To me this means he took money for staking contracts and hasn't honored them. Yes he said he was going to honor them and they were lifetime however still waiting,
are you
I will remember this post next time you're kissing my ass in private and asking for help, just like vegas did  Welcome to ignore, alongside him finally. Hope it's fun in the abyss together
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1054
CPU Web Mining 🕸️ on webmining.io
August 01, 2015, 07:31:46 PM |
This has really got me confused..
From IGS's post we know.
a) His code is perfect, it has never had a bug. b) He can dump on the block chain at will.
The only thing I can conclude is he has a back door coded into the coin to be able to manipulate it at will.
Sounds shady as hell to me.
If you think that, you are extremely stupid and showing how clueless this entire group of idiots is Their chain has errors, which I, and anyone else with a brain, can easily exploit. This issue is not present in my coin, these guys are just amateur that have no idea what they are doing Get it listed on an exchange somewhere. I dare you 
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
August 01, 2015, 07:47:26 PM Last edit: August 02, 2015, 03:17:55 PM by vegasguy |
Lets us "group of idiots" get this rolling, and show him that "a group of idiots that dont know what they are doing" can do better than the expert. That would be GREAT!
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1945937.msg20241953#msg20241953
August 01, 2015, 09:09:33 PM |
Lets us "group of idiots" get this rolling, and show him that "a group of idiots that dont know whyat they are doing" can do better than the expert. That would be GREAT!
Ready started with getting the word out.
August 02, 2015, 05:43:20 AM Last edit: August 02, 2015, 06:04:48 AM by elgimpo |
After looking at everything, I warned you over and over NOT to do the swap, that this would end disastrous for everyone. Your gorillabucks is now worth less than a penny a coin, and that is every coin you had combined. You were sure you knew better than I. So at that point I knew this would end in a train wreck, there was nothing for me to do except sit back and watch you self destruct, and that is exactly what happened. I even offered my services for free. To advise you on your coins, but again, your ego kicked in and you thought you knew better. Ive got some advice. Next time a guy who makes hundreds of dollars an hour offers his financial advice for free, TAKE IT!!! I judge you on results, nothing else. Your results are you live in a shithole, your a horrible person thats been disowned by the community, and your broke as fuck, and mad as hell becuase I was 100% percent correct. So , yes, its no surprise you hate me. I am your opposite. I help people, I have integrity, and honesty. The only person I bully is YOU, thats it. I wont pick on people that are new to the community and treat them like shit, like you, just because they dont know something. I cannot be bought or sold at any price, and I am much more intelligent than you will EVER be. FACT: EVERY COIN YOU HAVE EVER CREATED HAS FAILED AND IS WORTHLESS. THAT YOU CANNOT ARGUE. After years of creating shit coins, you have nothing to show for it except an angry community. Is it true you still live with your parents? LMFAO. Thats great. When your worth millions , like me, THEN you can have that ego, but that day will never come. Honesty and integrity is were wealth lies. So keep coming here, and I will continue telling truths. I have all the time and money , and you have neither. Also,YOU DONT GET TO DELETE MY POSTS, THEY STAY HERE FOR EVERYONE TO READ.
haha, my god are you full of shit. You cant be bought or sold at any price? Then explain your filthy failed attempt to get spots to pay you out in a higher rate in return for your silence, you tried like hell to piss on everyone else and make out with a few extra bucks for yourself and yourself alone. You're only pissed at spots because he would play along with your underhanded attempt at extortion. Its there for everyone to see. So much for your theory on doing what you do to help people. You do everything for yourself and you do it badly. Extract of your extortion attempt: Vegasguy's Real Name has been Removed Date 2015-06-24 22:31 Message 9 of 25 < > Im hoping we can resolve this. Just me and you, between us. I promise never to reveal the details to anyone. All I am asking is the value of my coins in US when sent to you, I will get the same value returned to me in new bucks. I have some MMXIV, and bucks, and sold everything else. MMXIV will be treated same as everyone else's ratio. Dont have enough to care. In return, I will not post any negative comments on any thread. So it seems you tried real hard to sell your ass like two dollar hooker, trying to get a better deal for yourself, happy to screw everyone else in the process and you failed horribly. You assumed Spots had no integrity like yourself. You were wrong. Your days of fooling even the simplest of noobs are over you absolute dumbass. Its plain to see for anyone that has been in this game for more than ten minutes that you're a sneaky prick. You buy or mine the hell out of just about any shit coin you can in their early stages, then advertise them on your cheap ass text site (which is nothing more than a brainless cut and paste job from this forum btw, you steal other people work constantly) to unsuspecting noobs which then gives you a market to dump on. This is your contribution to crypto currency. Its not genius, its the act of a shit human who has no imagination and is unable to produce anything themselves that holds any value whatsoever. You don't know the basics of coin control, you cant understand a block chain or coin specifications and you cannot code anything at all, yet you claim there is nothing you can not do crypto related. How about actually backing that up with something other than your one trick pony show and constant self flagellation posting. I bet you jack off in front of a mirror screaming your bullshit IQ at yourself.
Activity: 1111
Merit: 1000
crypto-enthusiast since 2012
August 02, 2015, 01:58:22 PM |
After looking at everything, I warned you over and over NOT to do the swap, that this would end disastrous for everyone. Your gorillabucks is now worth less than a penny a coin, and that is every coin you had combined. You were sure you knew better than I. So at that point I knew this would end in a train wreck, there was nothing for me to do except sit back and watch you self destruct, and that is exactly what happened. I even offered my services for free. To advise you on your coins, but again, your ego kicked in and you thought you knew better. Ive got some advice. Next time a guy who makes hundreds of dollars an hour offers his financial advice for free, TAKE IT!!! I judge you on results, nothing else. Your results are you live in a shithole, your a horrible person thats been disowned by the community, and your broke as fuck, and mad as hell becuase I was 100% percent correct. So , yes, its no surprise you hate me. I am your opposite. I help people, I have integrity, and honesty. The only person I bully is YOU, thats it. I wont pick on people that are new to the community and treat them like shit, like you, just because they dont know something. I cannot be bought or sold at any price, and I am much more intelligent than you will EVER be. FACT: EVERY COIN YOU HAVE EVER CREATED HAS FAILED AND IS WORTHLESS. THAT YOU CANNOT ARGUE. After years of creating shit coins, you have nothing to show for it except an angry community. Is it true you still live with your parents? LMFAO. Thats great. When your worth millions , like me, THEN you can have that ego, but that day will never come. Honesty and integrity is were wealth lies. So keep coming here, and I will continue telling truths. I have all the time and money , and you have neither. Also,YOU DONT GET TO DELETE MY POSTS, THEY STAY HERE FOR EVERYONE TO READ.
haha, my god are you full of shit. You cant be bought or sold at any price? Then explain your filthy failed attempt to get spots to pay you out in a higher rate in return for your silence, you tried like hell to piss on everyone else and make out with a few extra bucks for yourself and yourself alone. You're only pissed at spots because he would play along with your underhanded attempt at extortion. Its there for everyone to see. So much for your theory on doing what you do to help people. You do everything for yourself and you do it badly. Extract of your extortion attempt: Vegasguy's Real Name has been Removed Date 2015-06-24 22:31 Message 9 of 25 < > Im hoping we can resolve this. Just me and you, between us. I promise never to reveal the details to anyone. All I am asking is the value of my coins in US when sent to you, I will get the same value returned to me in new bucks. I have some MMXIV, and bucks, and sold everything else. MMXIV will be treated same as everyone else's ratio. Dont have enough to care. In return, I will not post any negative comments on any thread. So it seems you tried real hard to sell your ass like two dollar hooker, trying to get a better deal for yourself, happy to screw everyone else in the process and you failed horribly. You assumed Spots had no integrity like yourself. You were wrong. Your days of fooling even the simplest of noobs are over you absolute dumbass. Its plain to see for anyone that has been in this game for more than ten minutes that you're a sneaky prick. You buy or mine the hell out of just about any shit coin you can in their early stages, then advertise them on your cheap ass text site (which is nothing more than a brainless cut and paste job from this forum btw, you steal other people work constantly) to unsuspecting noobs which then gives you a market to dump on. This is your contribution to crypto currency. Its not genius, its the act of a shit human who has no imagination and is unable to produce anything themselves that holds any value whatsoever. You don't know the basics of coin control, you cant understand a block chain or coin specifications and you cannot code anything at all, yet you claim there is nothing you can not do crypto related. How about actually backing that up with something other than your one trick pony show and constant self flagellation posting. I bet you jack off in front of a mirror screaming your bullshit IQ at yourself. +1000 Wow elgimpo! Very great post and explain exactly what this shithead Vegasguy is.
August 02, 2015, 03:24:32 PM |
Sorry guys what does this have to do with Magic Internet Coin that we are working on. Are you for the coin? Against it? We (including me) should keep the past behind us and work on these coins.
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
August 02, 2015, 03:26:22 PM Last edit: August 02, 2015, 03:38:19 PM by vegasguy |
Yes, VERY nearly before I realized what a scumbag Spots was I tried to diplomatically work things out. I asked for the same money that I had sent him to be returned to me. Thats all. In return I would end the conflict. Read it again , carefully: All I am asking is the value of my coins in US when sent to you Thats it, I realized as things moved forward that I was going to lose my investment and wanted only the money I had sent him. I didnt threaten him, I didnt try to get more. In fact when I asked for a refund the original bucks was at $1.30 a coin, and I paid a $1 per coin. So , in reality I was willing to take a loss. In return for a refund, I would not post any details, because I didnt want people lining up for a refund, and they would have. I wanted out, thats it. So, explain to me now, how this makes me unethical , or immoral? I saw as massive loss coming and wanted to cash out. Investors do it every day. Nice try. Trust me , you WONT outwit me, many have tried and all failed. btw since you like reading past posts here is one of yours unedited : (YOUR WORDS TO SPOTS, UNCHANGED)I questioned the fairness of including MMXIV in this swap in both here and IRC and you confirmed that this was going ahead. Based on your responses on how the swap will work I have dumped my entire MMXIV holdings. Pick a side man! I dont care which one. LMAO! Anything else? LOL
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1945937.msg20241953#msg20241953