BTC Tipster (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
July 04, 2015, 12:34:54 PM Last edit: July 07, 2015, 02:26:44 PM by BTC Tipster |
3 Great Offers - Only for 24 hours from the current post time - HIGHEST Return everOffer #1 -Deposit 0.05 BTC >> Return: 0.07 BTC >> 36 Hours Deposit Now: 1Jc9F1T1KTLTGkDiDLkUrn7QbFtani3u4C Offer #2 -Deposit 0.1 BTC >> Return: 0.15 BTC >> 48 Hours Deposit Now: 1Jc9F1T1KTLTGkDiDLkUrn7QbFtani3u4C Offer #3 -Deposit 0.25 BTC >> Return: 0.5 BTC >> 72 Hours Deposit Now: 1Jc9F1T1KTLTGkDiDLkUrn7QbFtani3u4C Offer only valid for 24 hours from now, The priority for those who will participate in this offer will be HIGHEST. Hello All,
I had been with Sports Predictions and a Tipster from actually 7 Months. I was before providing it in personal messages on Facebook to m friends for free actually, We use to Bet with in the past. I just came up with and that's how today I am providing free Predictions and Tips to the users of this forum. I am basically experienced Tipster and i am showing off my skills in this community too. So, i thought to start a Investment program for those who actually don't bet on games but needs extra coins on their investment. If you are also one of them, read the thread otherwise leave. Make sure you don't post anything which you shouldn't before knowing what exactly this thread is about. Thank you. So those who are interested, We can proceed 
What is this thread actually? See, Its a Investment Program for users who wants some extra interest on their Bitcoins. I want to tell you that, You don't have to do anything. Simply Invest, Wait and Get a return. This is not PONZI or SCAM, Its a process as I will play with your coins to get you some extra coins.
How will you earn? Easy.. I will simply collect Investment from you, Will bet on and once i get a winning on your Investment, I will return you. You can select various plans given below to select your Waiting time, Interest or whatever you think suits you.
Plans Available: First of all, the only amount you can Invest is 0.01BTC, No less - no high. Now you can select plans below. - Bronze: 1.10x Your Investment - Gives you 0.011BTC Back : 0-24 Hours - Silver: 1.25x Your Investment - Gives you 0.0125BTC Back : 0-48 Hours - Gold: 1.50x Your Investment - Gives you 0.015BTC Back : 0-60 Hours - Platinum: 2x Your Investment - Gives you 0.02BTC Back : 0-72 Hours
You Should Know: - First of all, This is not a Ponzi. I will be betting for you and will Guarantee you with your return in specific period of time. - I am here to get a name, a status and a trust of users. So I Don't want this to be served as a Scam or Ponzi, Its a skill work earning and I want it to be contributed between you users, So I hope you will not simply post Scam or shit. I am aware of my user rank But i want to be sure with you that, I won't be scamming you. - I made the Investment amount small because I don't want you guys to have no trust on me. This amount will be an amount, Which i will be paying you back without any problem. - Any delay in refund, I will give extra 10% coins. - What if i lost? Don't worry.. You will have your coins on time. My Guarantee.
How to Invest on this? Invest on this Address (ONLY 0.01BTC): 1Jc9F1T1KTLTGkDiDLkUrn7QbFtani3u4C and post below with the format given.Wallet Address: Payment TXID: Pack Selected: Any Message?:
Signed Message with my wallet:-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- This is BTCTipster and Today is 4th July, 2015. I am giving this as a proof of my Wallet Address. -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1Jc9F1T1KTLTGkDiDLkUrn7QbFtani3u4C H3IY/3CtESM6ArH0YXz7V3kiVI0fqpxhM2qmrcSAJQUgMMgm1hrYIR2QzxcyC/oIEHToyMQlAWdte5IFwMryCkI= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Current Investors -kurzer42 - 1DWiCvi1qPVaATkNnyKxnpucBZYz4LqRw4 - Platinum MoonJeina - 1DSHR95MRDQa65QJFFoKJEQzCy8B8FyJbC - Bronze - Paid: - 1D69PakEaFDTVk5W9BF3RZUwFaashEdJu6 - SPECIAL Offer: Investor will also get a Free Premium TIP from me in PM.
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1005
July 05, 2015, 04:02:02 AM |
Your a new user to this community hence if you want to prove your skills you should provide a free service to some of the reputed guys in this forum and increase your trust level then you may get some business from other users.
I didn't understood one thing, if your so much sure about your tips why can't you apply these tips by user-self and keep all profits for your self?
BTC Tipster (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
July 05, 2015, 04:09:49 AM |
Your a new user to this community hence if you want to prove your skills you should provide a free service to some of the reputed guys in this forum and increase your trust level then you may get some business from other users.
I didn't understood one thing, if your so much sure about your tips why can't you apply these tips by user-self and keep all profits for your self?
Thanks for your comment, btw i am already providing free tips in Gambling section. And, In sports betting the more the amount to bet the bigger the winnings, so in this program i will collect investment, will bet and return with profit. I also bet for myself. Hope you will understand
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
July 05, 2015, 09:08:57 AM |
Wallet Address: 1DWiCvi1qPVaATkNnyKxnpucBZYz4LqRw4 Payment TXID: 4ed3029bf56e4ea9ca1106cee9fce3a0a3a0075a1f8495626cd7eb04cbf7fa32 Pack Selected: Platinum Any Message?: ---
BTC Tipster (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
July 05, 2015, 09:50:01 AM |
Wallet Address: 1DWiCvi1qPVaATkNnyKxnpucBZYz4LqRw4 Payment TXID: 4ed3029bf56e4ea9ca1106cee9fce3a0a3a0075a1f8495626cd7eb04cbf7fa32 Pack Selected: Platinum Any Message?: ---
Investment Recieved, You will be refunded 0.02BTC within 72 Hours back in the same address.
BTC Tipster (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
July 05, 2015, 05:51:06 PM |
Wallet Address: 1DSHR95MRDQa65QJFFoKJEQzCy8B8FyJbC Payment TXID: 45df2e312039a79429392f714da097434f449099f755daabebce434478f5b5aa Pack Selected: Bronze Any Message?: Lets see  Investment Recieved, You will be refunded 0.011B within 24 Hours back in the same address.
Sr. Member
Activity: 652
Merit: 250
Make winning bets on sports with!
July 05, 2015, 06:19:56 PM |
lol i wasn't expect this as lightning fast  Question here: Can I invest another, or is there a wait time? (I am asking because I don't know.) 
BTC Tipster (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
July 05, 2015, 06:23:10 PM |
lol i wasn't expect this as lightning fast  Question here: Can I invest another, or is there a wait time? (I am asking because I don't know.)  Hmm.. You can request but only platinum pack. Cheers.
BTC Tipster (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
July 05, 2015, 06:37:27 PM |
Special offer for today - - Invest 0.03BTC and get 0.05BTC in 36 hours.. Guaranteed.
Offer only for today.
BTC Tipster (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
July 05, 2015, 07:05:02 PM |
Wallet Address: 1DSHR95MRDQa65QJFFoKJEQzCy8B8FyJbC Payment TXID: 9b85479a086ee32f5c08dd1d95b2dd8016d7f898f9fded60da7885075652e0d0 Pack Selected: Platinum Any Message?: Thank you beforehand.  Investment recieved, Moonjeina i wanted to ask if u want to go for the special offer? You just have to pay 0.02 more and will get 0.05 in 36 hours rather than 72 hours. waiting for your reply.
Sr. Member
Activity: 652
Merit: 250
Make winning bets on sports with!
July 05, 2015, 07:09:07 PM |
I saw the offer but I can't do it right now. This was all I have (0,01 and some sats)..  lol i have 834 satoshis only in my wallet atm  Maybe next time if an offer comes up, i'll participate. Thanks for asking anyway. 
BTC Tipster (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
July 05, 2015, 07:16:15 PM |
I saw the offer but I can't do it right now. This was all I have (0,01 and some sats)..  lol i have 834 satoshis only in my wallet atm  Maybe next time if an offer comes up, i'll participate. Thanks for asking anyway.  Thanks for investing again, you will be paid within 24-72 hours.
July 05, 2015, 10:18:38 PM |
Hi I will invest .03 if you don't scam. Where can I send for plan.
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000
!!! RiSe aBovE ThE StoRm !!!
July 06, 2015, 03:15:19 AM |
Hi I will invest .03 if you don't scam. Where can I send for plan.
He has already given the address in the OP, it's 1Jc9F1T1KTLTGkDiDLkUrn7QbFtani3u4CAlways keep an eye on OP before asking such questions...
BTC Tipster (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
July 06, 2015, 03:33:18 AM |
Hi I will invest .03 if you don't scam. Where can I send for plan.
Mate, already mentioned alot of times that im not here to scam. If u dont believe, dont invest.
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
July 06, 2015, 07:57:03 AM |
Wallet Address: 1NR8sW9TzX6fwEcyrfHCrHYKS9crhwm336 Payment TXID: e5b1a6b9a445c536171606ccd495b5768fb5fdf16d5f056d2741b19203eb99c1 Pack Selected: Bronze Any Message?: Lets see :-)
BTC Tipster (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
July 06, 2015, 08:08:10 AM |
Wallet Address: 1NR8sW9TzX6fwEcyrfHCrHYKS9crhwm336 Payment TXID: e5b1a6b9a445c536171606ccd495b5768fb5fdf16d5f056d2741b19203eb99c1 Pack Selected: Bronze Any Message?: Lets see :-)
Hello, Payment received, I wanted to ask if you want to apply for the offer. You just need to deposit 0.02 more and, Will get 0.05 in 36 hours. Let me know, Thanks for investing.
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
July 06, 2015, 08:44:58 AM |
Wallet Address: 1NR8sW9TzX6fwEcyrfHCrHYKS9crhwm336 Payment TXID: e5b1a6b9a445c536171606ccd495b5768fb5fdf16d5f056d2741b19203eb99c1 Pack Selected: Bronze Any Message?: Lets see :-)
Hello, Payment received, I wanted to ask if you want to apply for the offer. You just need to deposit 0.02 more and, Will get 0.05 in 36 hours. Let me know, Thanks for investing. Ok, additional 0.02 underway Wallet Address: 1D69PakEaFDTVk5W9BF3RZUwFaashEdJu6 Payment TXID: bbe8fa3ae4da4cdfa66d7d57666a322fc1fb599a5d4ce02e815a8cfa843feabf
BTC Tipster (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
July 06, 2015, 08:48:04 AM |
Wallet Address: 1NR8sW9TzX6fwEcyrfHCrHYKS9crhwm336 Payment TXID: e5b1a6b9a445c536171606ccd495b5768fb5fdf16d5f056d2741b19203eb99c1 Pack Selected: Bronze Any Message?: Lets see :-)
Hello, Payment received, I wanted to ask if you want to apply for the offer. You just need to deposit 0.02 more and, Will get 0.05 in 36 hours. Let me know, Thanks for investing. Ok, additional 0.02 underway Wallet Address: 1D69PakEaFDTVk5W9BF3RZUwFaashEdJu6 Payment TXID: bbe8fa3ae4da4cdfa66d7d57666a322fc1fb599a5d4ce02e815a8cfa843feabf Thank you for the invstment of 0.02BTC, As you are first one for the offer, 0.055BTC will be refunded to you within 36 Hours of now.