Coming back from a year+ break after losing hope in Bronze 5. Only ~200 games in this season. Was B1 until a couple days ago after going on tilt reaaaally badly :/
I have 10x more games on Varus than kat, just recently picked her up because she wrecks solo queue in lower ELO. Need to find a good support duo..
I understand you. Bronze is really painful and there are a lot of toxic players. As far as I remember it was called ELO hell, and for a good reason. Unfortunately I do not play anymore and thus can't help you with getting out of there.
This is a nice visual representation of the situation on EUW. The majority is still playing in Silver.
You usually don't need a good support as Katarina, at least I did not. The deciding factor is when you enter the fight. If you enter too early, you will be instantly focused and killed. If you enter too late, you will be up against too many players while your teammates are dead.