I'd like o auction my pornsite,
moneyshotporn.com . I have put a lot of work into making this site and would like to get a decent rate for it.
It is currently ranked fairly low on
http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/moneyshotporn.com at around 7.6mil. I have never advertised the site however and our current traffic comes directly from people searching for sweet nasty porn and our site popping up as a result. This site could be a HUGE money maker if it was advertised properly. Porn is an industry that is growing larger and larger, and it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. With a name like moneyshotporn.com you could easily cash in on that sexy ad revenue porn brings with it (not to mention affiliate programs where you can earn as much as 60% for purchases and monthly subscriptions)
Bidding starts at .25 btc
Increments .05 btc
B/O 1 btc
Bidding ends 7/6/2015 at 00:00 Eastern US timezone