I wouldn't buy any script miners, go for some S5 or wait maybe till next month more is coming then. there is really no good deals on scripts miners worth buying atm . you would be better off buying a few Sha256 miner and mine BTC direct.
with 2761.38 in US you might be able to get a nice little sha256 farm going.
or you can look on Ebay were you live, look for some titan deals you may be able to buy a 300 mh titan for that a mount and maybe get a A2 66 MH or so .
here is one or two to give you a idea what to look for
http://www.ebay.com/itm/A2-Terminator-Scrypt-Miner-90Mh-s-WITH-PSU-like-Gridseed-KNC-Titan-Zeus-miner-/400930527349?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5d59525875 http://www.ebay.com/itm/KNC-Titan-350MHs-Scrypt-Scrypt-N-INHAND-READY-FOR-SHIPPING-PICKUP-FROM-MEL-/281740825330?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item41990fd2f2I have seen some really nice deals on those miners in the past . but atm they all seem to be really high any place .