Sure he makes some good arguments here and there (don't we all?), but that's not his original and/or intelligent perspective on things, that's hear and repeat.
Would you agree that atmospheric CO2 levels correlate directly to global temperature?
If so i'd love to get some feedback on this short visualization's genius is his ability to effortlessly and nearly instantly demolish the existing conceptual frame of the catastrophists and eschatologists, by use of the Socratic method.
"What is the earth's avg. temp. right now?" (result: perplexed bafflement; realization of profound ignorance)
"What *should* the earth's avg. temp. be?" (result: moment of insight that top-down climate policy/management is a form of hubris far beyond merely asinine)
Climate is a chaotic dynamic system, involving may poorly-understood sinks, feedback mechanisms, etc. Expecting a direct CO2-global temperature correlatoin only betrays how little you know about the composite empirical fields involved (planetary geophysics, systems and chaos theory, solar dynamics, oceanography, etc.), much less the basic logical tools (IE burden of proof, presumption of null hypothesis) you need to properly understand science in general.
Your 'tube only shows the 800,000 years before present. That's a blink of the eye in the carbon/tectonic/volcanic/solar cycles and associated biological epochs which dominate climatic trends far more than humans ever will. CO2 was much higher as the dinosaurs thrived for 200 million years.
Global warming is a scam, a control mechanism, and involves intentional fraud. The scammers got caught red handed manipulating data to fit the theory. The code comments even call it a "fudge factor."
I watched your 'tube, so I insiste you read
Climategate: Why it mattersTheir betrayal of science, for personal profit at taxpayer expense, is unforgivable. They should have been executed for treason to humanity.