I am looking for a guide to the console. One that explains the various features such as:
addrequest, broadcast, check_seed, create, createmultisig, createrawtx, decrypt, deseed, deserialize, dumpprivkeys, encrypt, freeze, getaddressbalance, getaddresshistory, getaddressunspent, getalias, getbalance, getconfig, getmerkle, getmpk, getprivatekeys, getproof, getpubkeys, getrequest, getseed, getservers, gettransaction, getutxoaddress, help, history, importprivkey, ismine, listaddresses, listcontacts, listrequests, listunspent, make_seed, password, payto, paytomany, restore, rmrequest, searchcontacts, setconfig, setlabel, signmessage, signtransaction, sweep, unfreeze, validateaddress, verifymessage, version.
The Electrum page is not very helpful:
https://electrum.orain.org/wiki/List_of_commands and the -h option does not work.
Any ideas? Many thanks.