This topic has been discussed 1000 times already... and there are no clear answer to everyone's situation.
1. If you already have a job, and you sit in meetings like I do every day... You could pop into a faucet, when you get bored and solve a couple of capthas, and get some Satoshi's for fun.
2. Some people do not have a work, and they use faucet rotators to maximize their income. {Still a worst option to gain income, but if it is a necessity, it is a option.}
3. Some people use faucets to advertice, so it's a service being rendered.
4. Some people build a huge referral system, and in the end, they do nothing, and just receive passive income from their referral network.
5. Some people use the faucet income, to pay for the miners fee's on their transactions. {This makes the transactions totally FREE, because the faucets paid for it}
6. I use my faucet income to buy tickets in a lottery, and this could bring in a lot more income, if I am lucky. {One win, will make all the solving of Capthas's worth it}
7. I also donate some of my faucet income to charity. {Pay it forward} So someone else benefit from it.
So depending on what your situation is... it would either be worth it or not...