Please What "--dumpwallet" do in pywallet - i want i simple command to get my privat key using python only.
Thank you!
It returns the wallet in a human readable format. If it is unencrypted, you will find all of the addresses, including pregenerated ones, labeled and with their corresponding private keys.
i can see my last transactions , but i cant see my private key please any more info sir ?
Transactions aren't stored in the wallet.dat, at least, I don't see any in mine.
If your wallet is unencrypted, you will see a lot of stuff like this (this is one for my testnet wallet
"addr": "mmLRgxXCSaRrmoXSo2sgGe2CQmo4cavdKU",
"compressed": true,
"hexsec": "a7b36bd39f558ea03c415d2a522a0609caf2d014506fe9db921dc1064eb01ba3",
"private": "3081d30201010420a7b36bd39f558ea03c415d2a522a0609caf2d014506fe9db921dc1064eb01ba3a08185308182020101302c06072a8648ce3d0101022100fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f300604010004010704210279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798022100fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141020101a12403220003072a91ff1ebcb4bff0c8368afcfc0a01eed33716311a7cee3dcd5b43c057b55f",
"pubkey": "03072a91ff1ebcb4bff0c8368afcfc0a01eed33716311a7cee3dcd5b43c057b55f",
"reserve": 1,
"sec": "cTCgz77r4BigUt4CVbW4MEWXTNJMm95caZX2TWc98icXsGTZUEss",
"secret": "a7b36bd39f558ea03c415d2a522a0609caf2d014506fe9db921dc1064eb01ba301"
The part you care about is "sec" that is the key in Wallet Import Format. It should start with 5, K, or L. This one starts with c because it is testnet.
If the wallet is encrypted, you should see a bunch of stuff like this
"addr": "mgCepFFmwNiNSCGoGeZSG6U7eGRkzzwjWw",
"compressed": true,
"encrypted_privkey": "e53d309fad405b3c2f3aca08658466ec6f33132cde378bae20d3d8af37949b444e17981f1223158dbac624f5e4b77333",
"pubkey": "020188f460b3ba47dc0f4506e833140f672fd7e0e8a536458e33b39e8eeee6b933",
"reserve": 1
Obviously encrypted privkey is your private key encrypted. You will need to use the --passphrase option and set your passphrase.