July 21, 2015, 08:52:19 PM |
Well one good way to choose random words, but still have it mean something to you. Use a mnemonic, something like "stinky pie" to remember than come up with a phrase using words you will remember.
S - Swedish T - Tacos I - Irradiate N - Nicely K - Kombined (can be a form of a real word, more random) Y - Yearly P- Performance I - Indicative E - Earnings
So your paraphrase would be: swedishtacosirradiatenicelykombinedyearlyperformanceindicativeearnings
You can also add spaces, symbols and numbers to taste, maybe all e's become *, or perhaps every 3rd "e", and maybe every Fibonacci place is capitalized (1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34th place letters, etc.).
Important thing is something you can remember without having to write it down.