As it turns out there's nothing off limits. Mass torture, poisoning, etc. I wouldn't doubt some of those involved would do it just to satisfy some sick evil desires that they have, much less to justify insane amounts of money."How many times have we seen this playbook which is now going on in Nigeria:
Phase I - kidnapping of peacekeepers/women/women abuse/hikers/reporters/peaceful religious people/(fill in the blank)
Phase II - terrorists/extremists/insurgents/al qaeda/islamists/evil doers/(fill in the blank) open fire in marketplace/bomb marketplace/(fill in the blank) -> why always a "marketplace" btw??? ever notice that? wtf is a marketplace???
Phase III - U.S. to send humanitarian aid (TROOPS) to help quell the abuse of rights/women/(other fake reason) and stop marketplace shooting/bombings/(insert fake reason here)
In addition What did you really think they were planning to use those Nazi scientists for that got a free pass on commuting atrocities.