About KryptKoin (KTK)KryptKoin was pre-announced on the 12th May 2014, and distribution started on the 21st May. KTK was then distributed equally to people who qualified for a stake. In total 500 stakes were distributed in 2 stages. Bonus KTK was given to those who held for 30 days.
No IPO, no dev premine. The dev received 1 stake, the same as every other stake holder received.
Development and infrastructure is funded by community donations.
Algorithm: Scrypt, Money Supply: 17,000,000, Block Target: 30 seconds, Transaction Fee: 0.01, Confirmation: 3, Block Maturity: 50, PoS interest: 7% annually
Min stake age: 3 hours, Max age: 30 days.
After a year of active development, KTK developer are diagnosed with skin cancer, so he gonna be away from crypto. Right now main focus is to get some investors on board, make a team of people, and find a new developer, or more developers to take over this project.
If anyone are interested send me a pm, or post here.