I checked, longest ist 204 days, because there are some days gone since my investment.
price should very fair. At the moment I need bitcoins to start a project.
There are few reasons for me to leave neobux.
At the one hand I don't have the courage to click everyday on 9 ads to get my money.
On the other I use a proxy service in my internet which is required for me in my environement and some users in neobux might use the same so, it's not possible to work with this service, because neobux says to me that an other user uses the ip too...
So look at that price.
Only the gold membership costs 80 or 90$, 3/4 time is left so 60$ worth... the referals are worth 20$, limits are removed...
Long rental times are worth a lot too.
50$ should be very fair.
I only want to trade it fast, because of my new project.
Made this offer in another forum too.
I know it's my first trade here, but I only want it easy and stressless, escrow or what ever is no problem.
best regards.