This is set of my replies being organized into one post per page...
I'd like to order a T- shirt design. I want to cost first.
yes , sure , already added you

Great work! i need a logo for a new web project soon. Tell me your price creating a logo, please.
Thank you , I'll be more than happy to help , is there a chance that you name the price you would like to give as I'm still new to the price things stuff , no need for high prices as i'm still new

I think I want to acquire the no # 9 service , pm me your price per 1000 words
Hello , Pm'ed you already

Please let me know how much it would be to get a logo made.
Hello , I would do a logo for 2$ if it doesn't require a lot of effort like in complicated cases and 3$ if its complicated logo

Can u make a design for bitcoin faucet.? Tell me your charges for this work.
I could make a template design for a faucet if that's what your after but I don't know how to code it using css ... If you can code , then I can make a design for your bitcoin faucet
I'd be interested in a couple of banner designs. I'm not ready yet, but will be soon, I'll pm you then.
sure, i'll be more than happy to be part of your project , i'm always available

How much for a logo for my ?
I'll charge 2$ for the logo of , tell me the details regarding the resolution and if any certain concept you like me to do the logo or you want it to be my original idea , thanks

Original idea would be better. Just make sure it fits with that theme background in header and is better than the previous one.
sure , I did this for you , it's probably large , could you tell me what the resolution this should be if you like what I did? what is the header size for your logo on your website so I could resize this?

Too large. Maximum height should be 70 px. Width can be quite large there is much space.
is this size good? the height is 70 , I could re edit and reposition the words to make it longer in terms of width but it might not look good as a logo
70 px is still large. Height should be 65 px and width seems all right. Maybe slightly increase it to 225 px. PM me the changes and your BTC.
This is how it looks when its white instead of blue as you mentioned on pm , I already adjusted the height to 65 and width to 225 as you said
I am interested in (Sign up under you on the websites of your choice) PM me if you can signup under my adult website as a ref. also include your country in your PM to me.
I'm sorry , anything related with nude or adult website is prohibited but if you want me to sign under you on other website , I will do it
thanks , did as I said , more works coming ur way in future , keep it up
Your very welcome , always at your service , thanks

Pretty nice but that is what I am in need of right now. I wish you success in your campaign.
Thank you , you as well , hope someone contacts you regarding what your after

SFR10 did an awesome job with my logo! great to work with and will be working more with him/her.

Thank you so much , means a lot , your a great guy indeed , thanks for everything and very fun to work with , looking forward to more projects with you

interested in some shirts? rates i have an idea and or design
not sure what your after , if your going to sell your designed shirts , kindly contact cryptothreads for more information's , thank you

★★SFR Design's Promo★★
Free Forum Avatar for Full Members and up (8 Spots Left)
I'm running this promo mainly for the fact that I've gained a lot of knowledge and payments ever since joining this community which I'm very thankful of and secondly for the reason that I've seen so many Full member accounts and up with either no avatars or with a very simple avatars that doesn't reflect on their account at all
- I'll be making a forum avatar regarding the name of your account and the campaign your in, in order to have a direct reflection on your account
-Just comment here down below if you want me to make a free forum avatar for you and if you need a tweak regarding how I will be doing this as I already mentioned it in the above line
First 10 only
i want this free avatar for me,
Here you go , hope you like it