Hi Knightdk,
Thanks for your reply. The RPI2 doesn't crash or reboot, the bitcoind daemon crashes every 20 minutes. I read that I actually need 2GB of RAM as a minimum, I think that's my problem with the initial load as the RPI2 only has 1GB. Perhaps once the block chain is loaded it can maintain the updates... I will try a side load and report back.
Bitcoin Core can run at 512MB ram raspberry pis. It should also do it at 1GB ram too. Otherwise, try to increase the amount of swap. Use htop to check for any program running with lots of ram. Post the log file of the Bitcoin Core too. It is located at the location where you located your bitcoin core in.
Try adding these arguements:
-dbcache=4, -rpcthreads=1 -dnsseed=0 -discover=0 -par=1
Additionally, large mempool can cause potential memory problems. You can try to limit the free transactions and reduce mempool size by using these argements.