June 03, 2011, 01:51:13 AM |
Youre reporting bitcoin to the cyber police and the consequences will never be the sane ?
June 03, 2011, 05:14:27 AM |
Youre reporting bitcoin to the cyber police and the consequences will never be the sane ?
NOTE: This account was compromised from 2017 to 2021. I'm in the process of deleting posts not made by me.
July 20, 2011, 10:15:18 PM |
Are end users, in fact, liable for data they unknowingly transmit? Discuss.
At least in Germany to charge someone with a felony it requires a premeditation. As I only intent to spread the blockchain in order to transmit BTC there is no crime. Dunno what western countries he is talking about but it is more or less like jailing the house owner after someone painted something illegal onto his frontage. I hope this is impossible in other countries as well. Furthermore the thread owner already made a confession to own and spread illegal content. If he's tellling the truth (and I really doubt it) I hope he is not that dumb to tell the police as it is more likely that they detain him. you do know that you get convicted if some website loads some child porn in some invisible iframe without you knowing if the cops can find it in your browser cache? Or, to take it somewhere offline, that you get convicted if you buy something off ebay and when you try to register it to your name and it happens to come out that it was stolen.
July 20, 2011, 10:28:54 PM |
you do know that you get convicted if some website loads some child porn in some invisible iframe without you knowing if the cops can find it in your browser cache? Or, to take it somewhere offline, that you get convicted if you buy something off ebay and when you try to register it to your name and it happens to come out that it was stolen.
You do know that you're replying to an ancient troll topic right? You do know that in most jurisdictions, receiving stolen property requires the keyword: "knowingly"? You do know that if it's hidden in the blockchain with steganography, one would probably have to deliberately possess the keys and tools to extract it in order to be found culpable? You do know that if you do get arrested for CP in an iframe and you do get convicted of it, it's only because of backwoods prosecutors and judges, and that your defense attorney isn't worth whatever the public is paying him? (I say public, because if you hired some asshole to defend you and he doesn't know enough to get you off, well then I don't know what to tell you) Finally, you do know that I'm not a lawyer and that legal advice off the internet is worth less than what you pay for it? 
July 20, 2011, 10:30:31 PM |
- Person A gives Person B AIDS intentionally - Person B has no idea they have contracted AIDS. Person B goes out for another night of fun and picks up person C while at a bar - Person B and person C end up having sex at person B's house. Person C and person B now both have AIDS, while person A is laughing (but also crying due to his/her own AIDS) - Cops arrest and brutally rape person A for being in the wrong. - Person B and person C get off scott free, minus the AIDS.
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July 20, 2011, 10:35:56 PM |
I have to say that this topic is FUD at it's finest. Am I right boys?
Some people....
I guess he was hoping that some news site would catch wind of this topic before we completely borked it.
A+, CCENT, CCNA Security Enthusiast PHP Coder
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July 20, 2011, 10:38:34 PM |
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July 20, 2011, 10:44:37 PM |
Activity: 910
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July 20, 2011, 10:45:20 PM |
I Lol'd 
July 20, 2011, 11:15:51 PM |
@nodemaster: No, I'm not talking about copyright infringement, but of illegal content (ie: which you are not legally allowed to have possession of).
Situation 1: You are a web-hosting firm. One day, somebody notifies you that one of the files that is hosted on your servers is actually an encrypted file which can be decrypted using BestCrypt with the password "nasty" and if you do that you will get access to illegal content. Are you required to check, notify the authorities and delete the file? The mail in which you were informed is equivalent with clicking Report Abuse on Youtube - you are required to investigate to avoid legal problems.
Situation 2: You are hosting an ISO image of some Linux distribution. Like someone said here, using a large enough XOR key you can make that into anything. The relevant question is where exactly is the illegal content - in the ISO file or in the application with the XOR key? If you can prove that the illegal question is in the ISO file, that ISO file is illegal and must be deleted.
The fact that you have to go through a process to access the content (download Bitcoin blocks, run this software using this password) is not relevant. Think about this: everybody would be doing this if you could get away with this. Illegal content stored on secret Internet sites with complicated access protocols (port knocking) and multiple layers of encryption is still illegal.
To the previous post: no, your code is illegal if contains a XOR pattern (or something else) which is actually an encoded representation of illegal information.
EDIT: Don't forget that forensics/cryptography experts can be brought in to determine exactly where the illegal content is. The judge doesn't need to understand cryptography.
The XOR example makes no sense -- the entire point of a feistel transformation is that the data is now in neither part. Using your logic, I could put an illegal file in any other file. 1. Let X = illegal file 2. Let Y = linux iso 3. Publish Y and (X xor Y) Is the illegal content in Y or X xor Y? To make the example more clear: 1. Let X = illegal file 2. Let Y = completely random bitstring of same length as X 3. Let Z = X xor Y 4. Post Y on one server, say a google blog. Post Z on another, say a wordpress blog. Now observe the following: Y is a totally random string, so clearly it contains no information about X. What about Z? Well think about it: if I take some fixed string X and XOR it with a totally random string, what do I get? I get another totally random string. So Z is also a totally random string, containing no information about X either. So now we have two servers both storing totally random strings. Clearly, neither is illegal alone. But their XOR is illegal. Who commited a crime, other than the uploader? (Note I'm going to hope you're somewhat intelligent and can see that Z is in fact no different from Y, and does not contain "more information" about X because I defined Z = X xor Y. If you can't see this, imagine the police arrested both the server operators holding Y and Z. The operator holding Y will claim "but I'm just holding a random string Y, the OTHER guy is holding X xor Y". The operator holding Z will claim "no he's lying! I am actually holding the Y part, and the OTHER guy is holding the Z = X xor Y part!" Clearly, there is no way to tell who is lying (even the operators themselves do not know who is lying) because in fact the uploader could actually have done things either way: he could have picked Z as his random string Y' and set Z' = X xor Y' = Y)
July 21, 2011, 01:43:22 AM |
Be humble!
July 21, 2011, 02:08:39 AM |
July 21, 2011, 02:20:46 AM |
If i'm not mistaken, in England you could be arrested under kiddy porn laws if people other than you on a MMO wearing avatars that could be interpreted as being underage position their avatars in such a way that can be considered "inappropriate" in front of your camera...
(I dont always get new reply notifications, pls send a pm when you think it has happened) Wanna gimme some BTC/BCH for any or no reason? 1FmvtS66LFh6ycrXDwKRQTexGJw4UWiqDX  The more you believe in Bitcoin, and the more you show you do to other people, the faster the real value will soar!
July 21, 2011, 02:27:49 AM |
OP, so what ! theres nothing which stops you doing exactly that with any part of the internet that allows user submission, like blog comments, forums, pastebins, email servers, and bit-torrent STFU !! 
2x Gigabyte 6950 OC @ 920/450 w/ ati tray tools (1 shader modded) - 760Mhs on 0% fee aus pool btc: 1HS5Brzcsh7XkJn566XYbvfpa2JuBRBdss
July 21, 2011, 02:35:28 AM |
It will be fun when there are enough blocks in the block chain for us to be able to just specify a blocknumber and offset to direct people to any "illegal" number we want.
(I dont always get new reply notifications, pls send a pm when you think it has happened) Wanna gimme some BTC/BCH for any or no reason? 1FmvtS66LFh6ycrXDwKRQTexGJw4UWiqDX  The more you believe in Bitcoin, and the more you show you do to other people, the faster the real value will soar!
July 21, 2011, 02:46:29 AM |
It will be fun when there are enough blocks in the block chain for us to be able to just specify a blocknumber and offset to direct people to any "illegal" number we want.
Someone should write a program that interprets random chunks of the blockchain as bitmap data, and see what pops out. GO!
July 21, 2011, 02:57:28 AM |
I put InterPORNS in the Block Chain and I'ma tell yo Momma yous a Pernografer!
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 21, 2011, 04:06:26 AM |
arrest me, bro.
July 21, 2011, 04:18:48 AM |
Over the last few weeks I managed to use steg-trolling methods to store custom data in the block chain. The only required information to retrieve the data is the starting troll post number and information about the algorithm that was used in my parents basement to store the data.
This data contains information in my diary of trolling. In fact, most countries are likely to do absolutely nothing, as I'm a troll, if you knowingly spread this data. Which is exactly what you're doing right now - reading a parody of a lame troll post.
Please consider this as a warning about the troll's intelligence. In exactly one week from now he'll inform his parents that at the ripe age of 40, he'll finally move out. I can't tell you what to do, but by reading this post at least you'll get a cheap laugh from some silly fool trying to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt.
Choke on my bitcoins, you silly troll.
Someone give this man a bitcoin, I would, but I'm a poor student.
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July 21, 2011, 04:37:48 AM |
Some of the posters on here are dolts. Go look up mens rea then come back and talk about illegal content.