Here's what will happen: We'll get past 1K, at about 1.5 people will get nervous and start selling, create a small dump, then we'll go back up to 2.5, the people that already sold will become depressed, 2.5K holders will sell, the other guys waiting will get in, we will go to 3, another correction, 2.5K selles depressed.... etc etc all the way up to 10K, with another correction, more depressed people after we go 12... repeat for 15K, 17K, 20K, 27K, 45K, 67, 86K, 91K, 120K, 210K, 300K, 500K, 1MM... a lot of millonaires and suicides will happen along the way, unfortunately.
in decades BTC all time graph will look like this:
(current for BRK-A is 215K btw)