Using BAMT but I've found that it needs an occasional 'coldreboot' to keep it stable.
So I installed PHP.
SSH in as root 'apt-get install php5-cli'
SSH in as user 'nano auto-reboot.php'
paste the code below:
print "Sleeping for 2 minutes\n";
for (;
$hour = date('G');
$minute = date('i');
print $hour.$minute."\n";
if ($hour == 0 or $hour == 6 or $hour == 12 or $hour == 18)
if ($minute == 10)
$output = shell_exec('coldreboot');
press ctrl+x
press y
then go back to your root SSH session.
type "nano /etc/rc.local"
edit the file so it looks like this
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
screen -dmS auto-reboot php -cp home/user/auto-reboot.php
exit 0
press ctrl+x
press y
this will reboot you rig every six hours.
$hour == 0 or $hour == 6 or $hour == 12 or $hour == 18
if you wish.
Works for me.