Hello Guys,I am a fan of Bitcoins and I started getting bitcoin 4 years ago by playing poker, betting at sports (Tennis, Soccer, UFC) also now I earn some $$ like about $1500-$2000/months on binary options with automatic bot, easy money
Now I want to tell you about some of the opportunities :
Megatypers :
Why I say Earn Big Bitcoins by doing 3 All-In-One :
1. Payrate:Up to 1.1$ per 1000 captchas depending server time
You earn $1.1 per 1000 captchas, depending on your typing speed it can be half a hour of up to 1 hour.
2. Contest Top 5 :MegaTypers has launched a series of contests to make your work more fun and rewarding. Typers can choose to be part of the contests and win a big prize or continue to work as normal. The more typers who participate, the greater the TyperCredits will be.
3. TyperDraw :The Lottery system is intended for our most Loyal Typers, ticket cost starting from $0.01-$0.2 prizes from $8 up to $100.
4. TyperPoints :Units (points) that are added to your Typer account as a reward for typing images correctly. TyperPoints can later be exchanged for $TC balance.
5. BoostPacks :Now you can get images at the fastest speed possible. With Boost Packs, you can solve 3 TIMES MORE images.
How to join :
click here and enter " AFAB " in the box that says "Invitation Code"
How will I be paid :you must reach the minimum balance $3 before Sunday 23:59 AST (GMT -4). If you haven’t reached minimum balance needed for payment, you will be paid on a later week when you reach the minimum balance.
for more information can be found on the website, have fun and enjoy guys
You can improve your typing speeds substantially if you take free typing lessons. Use Google to find "free typing software" and improve your results! I personally prefer RapidTyping (English only software).