August 07, 2015, 12:12:04 AM |
These days, after earning my real 1st BTC, I've been studying all about global economic movement about BTC and which markets are growing around this currency.
One special deal appeared in front of me: The Chinese deal.
We got best miners there, and they're a lot of them, they're a decisive key for the future of mining BTC (where all firsts users began) and for where BTCs are in more number; this is a very important market.
But we got a closed government here, with an anti-BTC official policy, who is closing doors to implement in any way this currency on their domains -and there are a lot of them, only check a little bit about the Chinese territory and you'll be surprised about which zones in the worldmap they're positionated- and they're not thinking on change that in the future, they got their own plans.
Their community is bigger than other in this planet, and they grow everyday faster than others right now -I know about Indian's natality and what's going happen in 20 years, but we're speaking about what's going on now-, the near future deppends on them.
And what should we do at this point, what interests to all of us, BTC's users?
I think we need, right now, to introduce more Chinese users to BTC's world, make them participles of this currency and work togheter to get our objective, do Da Pump, the second biggest pump in BTC's history -first one was when this piece of bits in your computer had some real value in money's market-, and got our long-term objectives before we all think.
I don't know a lot about China, but something about their own philosophy -from personal experience-: they wait for the best moment, in any situation, to do what it beneficiates them all, and in that moment they make their move.
If they see that moment is not far away for them, they should help all to do Da Pump. Contact with all your Chinese contacts, or begin to contact with Chinese users, and help to introduce more potential users of BTC...
Remember, they got the key.